Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Protagonist

At some point, I believe we have all had to sit down and take the 'Myers-Briggs Personality Test'. I remember taking it my junior or senior year of college in one of my business classes. I can't remember what I scored, only that I fluctuated between E/I. Since I've been so listless and mopey lately I decided to re-take the test to see what I was and hopefully gain some insight and inspiration about what I should be doing with my life.

I took the exam through here: it was the first site that popped up after I Googled 'Myers-Briggs'. The test itself is pretty straightforward and easy to take, it will give you your break-down and go over in great detail what it means. One issue of point though is that at the end it does try to get you to sign up for their "Academy" so there is that. I'm sure there are other online options to take this test if you have a favorite testing site let me know down in the comments below.

My results are ENFJ-T: The Protagonist
58% Extraverted
59% Intuitive
75% Feeling
56% Judging
81% Turbulent

As I was reading through the descriptors of the Protagonist I couldn't believe how freaking accurate it was. It was like my horoscope on steroids! It was comforting to read yet mildly scary because it confirmed a lot of what I had been worried about; yes I am a people pleaser, yes I am sensitive to criticism and even will seek it out in hopes to avoid confrontation, and yes above everything I want everyone to get along because I hate confrontation so much.

On the flip side of the coin the test helped remind me that I am a natural born leader, I'm charismatic and full of passion. I take pride and joy in helping others and will become resentful if people don't want my help or do the opposite of what I suggest.

Some notable Protagonists include Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, John Cusack, and Ben Affleck. The fact that Oprah and I not only share the same birthday but also the same personality type just means that I really need to take a page from her book because she is phenomenal.

So what does this mean for me career-wise? Well, I know that I will be happiest in a setting where I'm helping other people. However, I need to avoid careers that require intense situational awareness like law enforcement, military, and emergency response. (I'm also going to throw Funeral Directing in this as well) because guess what, these careers will cause burnout! (go fucking figure).

It mentioned that the true calling of a Protagonist will be managing and leading others, and I believe that to be true but in a setting that I can work my way up to that. My confidence is not where it needs to be right now to jump right into a management position.

"At the heart of it, Protagonists need to see how the story ends, to feel and experience the gratitude and appreciation of the people they've helped in order to be happy" - an excerpt taken from the exam results.

I very much agree with that statement which is why I stayed in funeral service for as long as I did.

What is your personality type? Were you surprised by the results at all? Let me know down in the comments below!

Until next time, take care of yourself.

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